Lake Allegan Association, Inc.
The Lake Allegan Association, Inc. is devoted to the care, improvement and conservation of Lake Allegan.
We are 390 members strong.

Our Mission
1. Build Community.
2. Improve Lake Allegan.
3. Save Lake Allegan for
generations to come.
How We Work Together
The Lake Allegan Association, Inc. is managed by a Board of Directors and holds monthly community meetings.
We have eight committees actively working to build Lake Allegan for today and tomorrow:
Community Outreach
people and parties
Media & Communications
press and communications strategy and executions
Law & Policy
laws governing the lake and the dam and how they impact policy
Environment & Fish Passage
the science of the lake and implementing fish passage at Calkins Dam
Lake Planning
future plans for Lake Allegan
Strategic Partnerships
working with partners to preserve and improve the lake
Errands & Tasks
errands and tasks and filling in gaps when needed
If you would like to join a committee or get involved in any way, fill out our questionnaire.