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Consumers Energy owns the hydroelectric dam (Calkins Dam) that forms Lake Allegan. The company is evaluating various options associated with the future of the dam which could have significant impacts on Lake Allegan and the greater Allegan community relative to local businesses, property values, and property tax revenue (impacting schools, townships and the county), to name a few. The Lake Allegan Association is pressing Consumers Energy to preserve the lake. We are also lobbying energy regulators and our public officials to ensure the lake remains for generations to come.


Monies raised through fundraising efforts will go a long way to help fund Lake Allegan Association's work to preserve the Lake, more specifically in areas including legal expenses, communications, consultants and website operations and development.

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Ways to Donate to

Lake Allegan Association, Inc.

1.  Zelle (using the Zelle app)

(goes directly to our Association not-for-profit Chase Bank account).
Note: if your bank asks if this is a business account,
enter "Lake Allegan Association, Inc." (Some banks ask for this additional step.)

2.  Check

- Make checks payable to

"Lake Allegan Association, Inc."
- Send to c/o Phil Zigulich, Treasurer,

4003 Manor Lane, Allegan MI, 49010

3.  GoFundMe

**Please know that this is not

a tax deductible donation.**


Want to give Anonymously?

Tell us you want to be anonymous when you make your donation or email and tell Phil to keep your name secret. (Though Phil will share with the other members of the Finance Committee).


Where your Donations will be spent:

  • Website fees

  • Communications technology

  • Printing

  • Events

  • Professional Services (eg legal, accounting).




Nonprofits should be transparent. Donors can see a list of our current cash upon request to


Sign Up


1. Become a Member.

2. Join a Committee.

The Lake Allegan Association, Inc. is managed by a Board of Directors and holds monthly community meetings. We have eight committees actively working to build Lake Allegan for today and tomorrow:


Community Outreach

people and parties


Media & Communications

press and communications strategy and executions


Law & Policy

laws governing the lake and the dam and how they impact policy


Environment & Fish Passage

the science of the lake and implementing fish passage at Calkins Dam


Lake Planning

future plans for Lake Allegan


Strategic Partnerships

working with partners to preserve and improve the lake


Errands & Tasks

errands and tasks and filling in gaps when needed


If you would like to join a committee or get involved in any way, fill out our questionnaire

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© 2024 by Lake Allegan Association, Inc.

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