Consumers wants you to believe their dams aren't worth keeping. That's not actually true. They could be of great benefit to all of Michigan if they were properly retrofitted. They just don't want to spend their Billions to do that. They may not produce sufficient power currently but the dams could, if Consumers profit motives were aligned with societal goals. Michigan & MPSC need to move to performance based regulation like other states and make Consumers accountable.
If you notice, which I do, every time Consumer's Energy talks about the Dams . . they start off saying that they are not worth maintenance. I want to know why they are not maintained in the first place. It is like you buy a "new" home and NEVER have to maintain it and when it needs something, you just tear it down. This speaks to their neglect and not being prudent with funds generated over the years. Patricia Miner commented a month ago